02. August 2022

Tech Kafi #ruby: Packwerk

Digital Transformation & Development
Software Development & Architecture
Icon einer weissen Tasse mit dem Diamant Ruby

The next Techkafi #ruby takes place on Tuesday 9th of August at 11:30 AM. Bill Tihen will present Packwerk.

Packwerk is a Ruby gem developed by Shopify
used to enforce boundaries and modularize Rails applications.
Unlike engines, Packwerk allows to slowly migrate from a monolith to a modular architecture.

Interested to get more information and join our Tech Kafi #rubi? Contact Pascal Zumkehr or join spontaneously.

Date: Tuesday 9th of August
Time: 11.30 AM to 12.15 PM
Place: Belpstrasse 37, 3007 Bern, room „Tux“ or online.

We look forward to meet you.